Do not cancel your trip in Chartres, postpone!

You can’t travel to France because of the COVID-19 and travelling restriction? Help saving the touristic economy by not cancelling your trip but postponing it.

Many travelers have embraced it, not only it allows you not to loose your deposit, but we are also even more flexible than before as it is a unique situation. Besides, it was your dream to travel to Chartres! Why should you give up on that? Postpone it for another safer time.

There is some much to do in Chartres at each season … help us by changing your dates.

We will do our utmost to be flexible, and we thank you for thinking about traveling another time to our lovely city. Contact us by email or phone for assistance!

Visit Chartres all year long

Short trip from Paris and Versailles, Chartres has so much to offert wether it is for a family trip or a lover escape. Huge swimming pool, amazing Cathedral, canoë, Gold, Spa… we can’t count all the activities the city offers


